
Long and Loose

I'm digging the loose and slouchy look of both outfits. Does anyone know where I can find a similar cardigan to the yellow one the second girl is wearing? I'd love to have those in every color of the rainbow!


Anonymous said...

In Tokyo. Seriously, they have things like this en masse there. :) But I think this time it will not help you as much.

Anonymous said...

Similar situation for Hong Kong...long and slouchy everywhere!

Serena said...

Loving the yellow cardigan!

Serena said...

Hi Sabrina! This is my first day on your blog and I was just browsing. I saw that you asked a question about new poses while modeling different outfits.

This website http://polisphotography.com/Documents/Imagesforweb/posing.pdf has like a hundred different poses (the link takes you to a pdf file)

I found it helpful and I hope you do too!

Love, Sana

Fleurette said...

oh, i agree! these outfits are splendid. and i want that cardigan too! the color <3

Unknown said...

i know, i was wondering about cardigans as well. yesstyle.com has a bunch of similar ones in droves, but shipping usually kills. I'm sure Uniqlo can help though.