
Sheer Trench Anyone?

What does one do when they find a beautiful blue sheer trench exactly like this one from the Celine SS 07 show, and let it run away? Cry, cry, cry. I really need carry cash on me at all times when at work. I always end up finding something beautiful.


Anonymous said...

i would be terrible distraught! ): that's a lovely piece i've been yearning for. ebayebayebay! haha

Terri said...

I spied a brown BCBG sheer trench at the Wildlife thrift store last week - for $15. I pondered on it for a while, think I might have to go back and see if it's still there...

Sabrina said...

Terri: You let that go??? Was it a nice fit? I'm always in the area to stop by Wildlife but I never have enough cash on hand so I don't bother. They should take debit!

Terri said...

Same deal for me - was in a rush, and had limited cash on me.... didn't try it on, so not sure on the fit. That was only a week ago, and it was hanging in the dresses section. Mondays and Tuesdays are usually my Wildlife days so you can beat me to it ;)